Sunday, October 31, 2010

Most Effective Translation of Oedipus the King

It is important to have a good translation when presenting Ancient Greek plays. The most important aspects are keeping it modern enough to allow audience members to follow and stay connected, but still keeping the text authentic and keeping it as "greeky" as possible. The most effective translation that best fits these two criteria is David Grene's translation as found in The Complete Greek Tragedies Anthology edited by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore. The text has been translated in a way that flows easily and is comprehensible for anyone reading it. But the authenticity still holds true and allows you the audience to believe in the ancient Greek setting the play is in. So in watching it, they aren't seeing a modernized version. For example, they aren't viewing modernized version of Oedipus the King as told in "gangsta slang". The audience gets a feel for the language, but still is able to stay engaged.

Work Cited:
Sophocles, "Oedipus the King." The Complete Greek Tragedies. Ed. David Grene and Richmond Lattimore. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1942. Print.

Thrust/Arena seating for Oedipus the King

In traditional Greek theater, stages were set in thrust or arena seating. This was done in respects to the God, and by this inspired a theater space that best represents authentic Greek theater. For the most representational feel to Oedipus the King, it should be done in thrust or arena seating as seen in the video: Ancent Greek Theatre Staging. It is a segment posted from Discovery Channel's "Seven Wonders of Ancient Greece". The benefit is not only site lines and being able to place pillars and other structures throughout more area of the stage, but also to tribute to the God's Sophocles once did. It also provides a more intamate setting performing in a modern day thrust/arena seating area, which is significantly smaller than that of Greek times, but still providing the same structure. If the stage is the same as it was in ancient times, the authenticity is much more credible and would engage the audience more.

Work Cited:
Ancient Greek Theater.flv -- Video found on (Search Result: Ancient Greek Theater)

Importance of Pillars to Greek Architecture

It is made clear through classic Greek architecture, that the use of pillars is necessary in the structure of buildings one would see in Oedipus. Because they are the support  system holding up ceilings and surrounding all structures, the pillars are essential and provide a sense of authenticity in a performance of Greek theater today. A concept for the set design in both anchoring the stage as well as providing a living space for the actors to live, is surrounding the entire set by pillars. Some could be full pillars and in the front there could be representational pillars (some cut short in order to show they are there, but not to block the view of the audience), in order to show structure and establish the setting of Oedipus; inside the palace.

Work Cited:
Examples of pillars found on:

Color Scheme for Scenery

The Parthenon
It is important to pay attention to color scheme when designing a set. The aim of an authentic representation of Greek theater is to in fact be as authentic as possible. In review of different pictures of Ancient Greek structures, it is clear that different structures were made of great structure and color. There was pride in the artistic genius put into making these buildings. This could be seen in the design for Oedipus the King. But unfortunately, not many know of how colorful and exciting the buildings were back in their time. So in applying scenic design to modern day setting, it may be a wiser decision to make the structures and color scheme resemble the way buildings such as the Parthenon look as of today. If you were to have a vibrant colorful structure, people may view the scenery as weird or non fitting. This would be due to the lack of knowledge but it seems more of a common understanding and concept of what these structures look like. Sometimes you have to change from authenticity to get the audience engaged, and if people aren't familiar with how vibrant the structures used to look, then you should produce what people are used to.

Work Cited:
Pictures found on Google Images (Search Result: Greek Architecture)

Oedipus Complex in Relation to Ancient Greek Theater

Current day psychology includes a complex described by Oedipus. Freud’s concept of relating every sexual occurrence with one’s mother and the maternal relationship is a dominant presence in modern psychology.  All are derived from Oedipus’ relationship with his mother and the fact that he married and later conceived children with her. Adina Lucia Bodrogean’s article “The Oedipus Complex Reflected in D. H. Lawrence, Sons and lovers – A Great Experience for the 8TH Graders”, describes the complex in simple terms: “In psychology, Oedipus complex, as described by Sigmund Freud, appears at the age of about three, and manifests itself by the strong attachment of the child to the parent of the opposite sex, while the parent of the same sex is seen as a rival.” (Bodrogean 86). It is important to see the links and importance of modern theory in order to relate to ancient theater. If there is no link between modern day and a play that is many hundreds of years old, then audiences will be less likely to enjoy and relate along with anyone involved. So by making clear this complex in ancient theater and highlighting the effects this play had on a dominant psychological theory, people will be more engaged and interested.

Work Cited:
Bodrogean, Adina Lucia. "The Oedipus Complex Reflected in D. H. Lawrence, Sons and lovers - A Great Experience for the 8TH Graders.." Scientific Journal of Humanistic Studies. 2.3 (2010): 85-95. Print.